Posted in All about me

Mother’s Day

…was yesterday. I thought about posting something about Mother’s Day in a slightly more timely manner, like before this one 24 hr period of honoring mothers was behind us for another 8,736 hrs, but I’ve rarely been timely about anything and none of us are timely about reading blog posts in the first place.

Reading blogs is just one more thing that we all just get behind on. Like podcasts, books, magazines, daily crosswords or sodokus, TV shows, twitter. The posterchild for never getting caught up would be the husband who still has 73 unwatched episodes of Dr. Who on the DVR. By comparison, I’m really good at letting go when I get too far behind with something. 

The best thing I read regarding Mother’s Day was this series of articles on The Last Word on Nothing. TLWON is a blog written by a group who, “In their day jobs, they write books, teach science writing, and roam widely over the earth to meet deadlines for Science, Nature, New Scientist, Scientific American, High Country News, Smithsonian, National Geographic, and many other magazines. By night, they write for you.” It’s definitely my new favorite read on the internet and every week they send out a quick summary of that week’s posts. So I can even feel caught up when I’m not. If you have a moment, check out the above link to last week’s Mother’s Day posts. You can read the quick summary to decide if any of them are worth your time. (They all are, but you’re busy, I get it.)

The best part of my yesterday was spending some time with D#2. I didn’t even mind having to share her with her recently-moved-to-Htown grandmother and other local family members. It’s been a long time since I’ve been part of a three-generation Mother’s Day gathering.

There’s a quote I remember, from a poster, from my college days. If it was an actual quotation from someone or just a Hallmark message, I don’t recall.

A part of me will always be you, and a part of you will always be me. That much is certain, no matter what happens.

It was intended to be about friendship, but yesterday it popped into my mind as the truest definition of the mother-daughter bond. I don’t need a special day to remember my own mom. A part of her will always be me. That is certain.



Blogging from the back since 2010.

One thought on “Mother’s Day

  1. Awww. I have more and more of Mom showing up everyday in me. Not least when I look in the mirror… And I feel it when I speak to you on the phone.

    Thanks for another way of spending time that does not involve doing what I should be doing!


    On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 12:03 PM, Thoughts from the back wrote:

    > Nancy posted: “…was yesterday. I thought about posting something > about Mother’s Day in a slightly more timely manner, like before this one > 24 hr period of honoring mothers was behind us for another 8,736 hrs, but > I’ve rarely been timely about anything and none of us a” >

Your thoughts?